Anna Ewald-Rice
Pocket Possibilities: ‘Freespace’ in Community
A tool for applying principles of ‘Freespace 2018’ to designing with Australian minority communities.
A fragment as a remnant, a part detached, or the act of breaking. As my journey unfolded, tensions and overlaps necessitated constant pulling apart and reassembling of my aims and outcomes. Experiencing the broad speculation of the Venice Biennale then weaving that with the knowledge shared by the people of the remote Australian desert, challenged my understanding of the role of architecture. Perhaps the building is secondary to the story? I learnt that sharing stories is an essential part of understanding difference and continuing culture. Finding new expressions and evolving new stories that assemble community and explore interstitial spaces is a way to pass on both new and old traditions. I invite you to trace your story in the sand, leave your mark on the earth that has the capacity to support the day to day realities of communities. On this common ground we can begin to make projects founded on respect and listening, allowing a shared and open dialogue of ideas to flourish.